Partnering Our Community
Art Politics Community Culture Newsletter
7840 Maiden Road - Lewistown, Montana 59457 USA
The Warm Spring Creek Company Advertising Rates
7840 Maiden Road  -  Lewistown, Montana 59457
Spot Ad
Banner Ad
Premium Ad*
Billboard Ad**
per day
per day
per day
per day
per 30 day showing
per 30 day showing
per 30 day showing
per 30 day showing
Table: Single Ad Purchase Rates (All rates are based on 30 day  showing.)
* Premium Ad requires a minimum setup charge per single graphic ad of $25.00. This cost is required per a single graphic charge setup. Multiple same ad postings throughout a single 90-day showing will only require the one time setup charge. Same ad postings extended beyond the 90-day showing will require an additional $13.00 per single graphic ad per additional 30-day extension.
** Billboard Ad requires a minimum setup charge per single graphic ad of $28.50. This cost is required per a single graphic charge setup. Multiple same ad postings throughout a single 90-day showing will require only the one time setup charge. Same ad postings extended beyond the 90-day showing will require an additional $28.50 single graphic charge setup fee.
Table: Combo Ad Purchase Rates (All rates are based on 45 day showing.)
Spot Ad*
Banner Ad*
Premium Ad**
Billboard Ad***
per day
per day
per day
per day
per 45 day showing
per 45 day showing
per 45 day showing
per 45 day showing
* Combo Spot Ad and/or Combo Banner Ad rates are contingent on a single Billboard Ad purchase.
** Premium Ad requires a minimum setup charge per single graphic ad of $25.00. This cost is required per a single graphic charge setup. Multiple same ad postings throughout a single 90-day showing will require only the one time setup charge. Multiple same ad postings extended beyond the 90-day showing will require an additional $13.00 per single graphic ad per additional 30-day extension.
*** Billboard Ad requires a minimum setup charge per single graphic ad of $28.50. This cost is required per a single graphic charge setup. Multiple same ad postings throughout a single 90-day showing will only require the one time setup fee. Same ad postings extended beyond the 90-day showing will require a new $28.50 single graphic charge setup fee.
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Partnering Our Community
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